Wednesday 9 March 2016

Thursday 7th January (Rent Act 2 Run)

In this lesson we ran through act 2 for the first time since blocking, without scripts and using the stage space. I feel it went really well, no one messed up their lines massively and I performed well in the space. It was difficult to not be able to check my script but it proved that I know the piece better than I thought I did and I know my lines much better than before. I felt professional and well prepared. The following are the notes I received and how I plan to work on them-

  • In Seasons of Love, all keep an eye level spot to look at, don't look around. Decide where to look and don't wander. 
I agree with this point, this is really going to help me focus and remain in character and also prepare for the second act. I feel it will help to set a better atmosphere and have a bigger impact on the audience if we all remain completely focused.

  • In Happy New Year A,  I need to keep making eye contact with James and walk into the centre of the stage to sing to James, being joyful and relaxed.
Making this eye contact will show our relationship blossoming, our characters are in the 'honey moon period' and are very happy together, showing an intimate connection like this will subtly suggest that we have progressed as a couple from the first act. Before this I felt quite awkward delivering my lines in this, I didn't know where to go or what to do so getting this specific direction really helped that.

  • Happy New Year- Mimi and Maureen get drinks?
 A suggestion was made that Sophie and I bring drinks round for everyone in the scene, this would show our interactions well, that we have a fun connection, as we don't really interact in the script, it would be good to show this through our movements.

  • After Mimi's dialogue at the funeral, after Without You, I will walk down the steps slowly, look at James (Roger), making eye contact and stand with Josh (Benny) to show that she and Roger are no longer together and that she has gone back to Benny. 
I suggested this because I felt it was unclear to us and the audience as to whether or not her and Benny were in a relationship. This is mentioned later on n the script but I wanted to use my proxemics to show it before. I will make sure I seem weak during this, to show that I am not happy with Benny but need him for his money and how he takes care of Mimi, due to her drug addiction.

-For the song Rent I will be in trackies and messed up hair etc as a homeless person (on and off cast)
-For Light My Candle I will wear pyjamas, with Coca Cola logos on to show the context, when the piece is set
-For Out Tonight I will be wearing red leather leggings, a sparkly top, and as the song progresses i will put on my denim jacket and a scarf to show that she is leaving the club and going to Roger and marks flat.

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