Wednesday 9 March 2016

Thursday 26th November (Rent Characterisation Review and Blocking)

This lesson we focused a lot on our characterisation, for me I find myself focusing on my singing and movement more than my characterisation. Below I have listed how I feel about my character at the moment and how I want to improve-

(Dialogue) Confident with small amount of dialogue during Angels funeral as it is my only part not sung
(Singing) Happy with the style of my songs and I'm confidence in my accent and use on dynamics in songs. Needs general practise so I can work more on characterisation instead of worrying about lines and timing. 

Need to work on creating personal distinct movement and habits for my character, developing a deeper, more authentic character. I will achieve this through trail and error in rehearsals and research into Mimi as a character and her traits. 

(Dance) i want to work on my focus during la Vie Boheme (A&B) and Rent, I often come out of character because I am unfamiliar with some parts of the dance but i will improve through practise and improvising through if I loose what I am doing. 
(Movement As Character) I feel I need to be less stationary on stage, being on an in the round, immersive stage means I can't stay still for too long, which I feel is something we all do as a cast, I will experiment with levels and using the set more to allow the audience to see and also make my character seem much more realistic and relaxed at times. 

Overall I am becoming much more versatile in that I can combine all three elements of performance (acting, singing, dancing). I am confident with all of my lyrics and am feeling positive about my role. I want to look at my interactions with characters, they change very quickly throughout the piece so I need to concentrate on the narrative as we go through and make notes on my script. It is challenging being part of a rock opera as I have not had to sing this much in a show before and it is proving difficult and putting a strain on my voice at times, however I am remaining engaged and active throughout the rehearsal process.
By Christmas, I would like to have sorted my costumes out and be up to date with my rehearsal logs.

We looked at songs next, Seasons Of Love and Without You. We only blocked our positioning and movement for Seasons of Love because we are happy and confident with the singing. Without You was quite difficult as it has repetitive verses, I am really struggling to remember the lyrics which throws off my focus and quality of singing. I am going to continue to rehearse with Kim to get used to the cut down version of the song, I am also working with Charley, the other Mimi to help me to remember the lyrics. I am helping her with her choreography of La Vie Boheme B when she is off cast and Out Tonight.

Three New Things I did In This Lesson- 

  1. Sang Without You through for the first time with the right accompaniment 
  2. Went through Happy New Year B for the first time in the space and now feel more confident with the movement and vocals
  3. First time improvising stylised pedestrian movement during Without You to move up the scaffolding

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