Thursday 10 March 2016

Non-Performance Theatre Company Roles Research

Friday 6th November (Theatre Company Researches)

To prepare for my theatre company presentation I looked into some specific company roles that I would be interested in having, other than a performer. 

Education Manager - They work to collaborate with schools and colleges for future productions and organise workshops and projects with these institutions. They discuss these things with directors and artistic directors. 
I would have an interest in this role because they reach out and connect with people, I can use my creative skills as a performer to design workshops and projects that will inspire younger people. 

Fly Man - A fly man lifts the set with pulleys that lead above the stage, they work with set designers and stage managers. 
I would be interested in this because I have worked as a stage hand before and would like to extend my experience in backstage work. 

Artistic Director - They are in charge of the show and makes or covers the creative decisions made, they work with most of the creative staff, the director and the CEO if there is one on the team.  I would be interested in this role because of how creative it is, I would really like to be a director of either the show or the creative aspect and there are many responsibilities. 

As for my own company, I have decided I would like to call it 'Literature Now' and that my tour will be of 'A Winters Tale' by William Shakespeare. I have chosen this because of the link with the GCSE syllabus for English and possibly Drama. I have made these decisions because of the lack of TIE companies successfully aiming for high school students and I feel I would have the right pitch to do this. 

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