Wednesday 9 March 2016

Thursday 19th & Friday 20th November (Rent Filming)

Below is a list of scenes we included in our filming, who is in them and in the order we want it to be. The black blocks show the scenes that we will only have to shoot once, because the characters in them are either not double casted or are homeless which can be the same for both shows.

Personally I found it quite difficult to get used to filming for a camera, I am used to stage acting and not looking at the camera was strange, we also couldn't use our voices at all, so we were often miming and it was quite awkward. After trying the shot with James (shot no.3), we looked back at it and decided to do it again but actually talk, this was okay because the sound would be taken out of the video. This was successful, and the other cast did the same.
For the homeless scenes, I really enjoyed being an anonymous a big I am on cast as Mimi that I could use that to create a low status by contrasting with it. For example shot No.10 was ensemble and I was hunched away from the camera using aggressive arm gestures.

These sessions were really useful because I developed my homeless off cast character really well and I could work with James on improving our interactions better. It also gave me a new outlook on multimedia theatre, I found it really exciting to work with cameras due to my minor background in film work. I would really like to use this in the future where I can. 

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