Friday 22 April 2016

Episode 3 - Bend or Break

This scene is essentially between Creon and his son Haemon, the chorus form a jury, like in a court room and observe their confrontation, whilst giving their response throughout. Initially we as a chorus agree with Creon, and support him as they are used to seeing him as a leader with knowledge and power. However as we listen to Haemon and what he has to say we realise that they both need to listen to each other, hence the line- 'Haemon. learn from your father. Creon, learn from your son. The truth lies inbetween.'
For the earlier parts of dialogue for the chorus in this scene, we as the chorus are seated on the floor watching at the sides as a jury. This demonstrates how the cities people can quietly judge what is going on in the royal family. I feel this is a really effective way to show the chorus' role, this scene is very private and dramatic, but having us at either side closes the scene in, making it more intimate, but also allows our dialogue later on to flow well. This dialogue describes Antigone's actions and reasoning's behind them. We realised that we could split it into two, as if the two halves of chorus were arguing. We added some simple arm gestures to go with this to keep the energy up. I suggested we deliver these lines to each other to increase our interactions and show the audience that we are having conflict as well as the royals due to the crisis.
Our final role in this scene is the 'bend, or break' section, in which we act as Creons inner thoughts, still in conflict with each other. For the first two sequences of this we remain on our sides but rise as we repeat the lines, but on the last one we come together in one group next to Haemon and Creon advising them to learn from each other. This shows a development in the chorus in this one scene, initially we disagreed, but we finally were desperate in advising them to help the city and listen to each other.

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