Friday 22 April 2016

My Evaluation Of Classical Theatre Audition

Overall my audition went very well, I delivered my monologue successfully and my characterisation was the best it's ever been with this specific speech. I used my vocal dynamics to demonstrate the different emotions explored throughout the text. For example as Hermione gets more angry i made my voice louder, used a sharper voice and spoke faster. My posture was another strength of this performance, I remained upright and did not slouch the whole time. This added to the court room atmosphere I tried to create and doing this with my body showed Hermione's anxiety effectively.
A weakness of my audition piece was that I adjusted my eyeline too many times, I started looking just above my audience but my eyes wandered as I thought less about what I was saying. I think this is due to over rehearsing on the day of my audition. I repeated it too quickly and too often making myself relax too much. 

The interview section of my audition contained a few questions about how i feel about the play and its context, and my relationship with this type of theatre. I answered these questions professionally however I could have been more formal. I was informative and clear but I feel I relaxed too much into being chatty. This was due to one of my peers, Sophie, being involved in the audition, next time, and in drama school auditions, I will ensure I remain focused by practicing in front of others more. 

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