Monday 25 April 2016

Chorus 4 - Eros

For this chorus we wanted to use more contemporary dance movement, this way each chorus will have a different feel and look to the, creating more diversity and contrast in the chorus' role. For example this is different to our body percussion in the first chorus, and our rhythmic chorus six, Bacchus later on in the script. This method also allowed us to isolate the dialogue from the movement, by having one person deliver the lines as chorus leader, whilst the movement added a modern twist without straying from the original intentions of the scene.
This dialogue describes the god of love, Eros and how Antigone and Haemon are destined for each other. It reflects on the previous scene, and what Haemon was saying to his father to defend Antigone.

We began by splitting the speech into three, overlapping sections and Rosie, Jaydee and myself all took one to choreograph within our groups-
Because we didn't have a specific stimuli for this section, we found it difficult to come up with choreographic ideas. We thought about a balance between mime, physical theatre and dance, to create a different dynamic in the group.

Looking at the text helped, for example we used a step and arm movement forward to demonstrate the first line- 'Run, try to escape'. Our arms almost resembled us brushing things out of our faces as if we were grasping things out of our faces. we used the line 'The mind tangles with frenzy' and held our wrists together and twirled our hands up to standing, before contracting down again, to show a flourishing love.

Once we had finished devising our pieces in groups we ran the whole chorus and the timing and movements worked surprisingly well. We all worked well together and the different types of choreography around the stage bounced off each other well.

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