Friday 22 April 2016

My Preparation For Classical Theatre Audition/ Analysis of Chosen Pieces


My audition for Antigone consisted of a classical monologue and a short interview. I chose Hermione's monologue from A Winter's Tale. I really enjoy Elizabethan theatre as a subject and am confident in translations, melodramatic techniques and the general context of these times, from my other studies. Since finding out that my production would be Antigone I heavily researched the characters. I am mostly drawn to Antigone herself, I feel she has a strong independent character, and my work in rent, playing Mimi in my previous show gave me the confidence to take on another role like this. These characteristics of Antigone also link to my choice of my monologue. Hermione in the part of the play that my monologue is from is in a court room. expressing her feelings about how she will stand up for herself and take what is hers. This relates to Antigone in that she too is standing against not only royalty but her family- her uncle, king Creon. 

Two Weeks Before My Audition- 

At this stage I am feeling confident in my audition piece, I know it well and am developing some small gestures to go with certain lines. For example to start my monologue I am going to look around the room, just above my natural eyeline, as if I am looking at the jury in the courtroom that the monologue is set in. This establishes my status and also allows me some time to relax and become comfortable before I start my speech. As for my general movement, I plan to stay in the same place for most of the monologue, I have videoed myself performing my monologue as if it it my audition and I have a habit of stepping on the spot without realising or meaning to, this is need to stop. It makes it look as if I am distracted or forgetting my lines, neither or which I want to happen in my audition. To improve on this i will rehearse in front of a mirror more, or in front of others so that I, or the person watching can point out to me when I am doing this. 
In terms of vocal skills, I have tried to vary my volume and tone throughout the monologue. For example the last line 'cry fie upon my grave' is a very angry ending line. At this point Hermione has declared that she will not be wronged. I also start my speech with a shaky tone of voice, ending a few sentences in a higher pitch to show that she is anxious about what she is going to say. 
Next week I aim to have rehearsed in front of a mirror and others enough that I am wholly confident in the lines and remain fully focused and in character throughout. 

Three Days Before My Audition- 

At this stage in my preparation I am feeling very confident in my monologue. I am comfortable with my lines and movement. I have performed my piece in front of peers multiple times now and I have made a clear improvement on my focus and also my characterisation. 
In terms of my research in preparation for my interview, I have knowledge of all the characters in Antigone, and the context of the piece. I have mainly focused my searches on how gender equality stopped women from playing in performances, making pieces like Antigone, Lysistrata and Electra comedic because of the strong female protagonists. I have also looked at the role of theatre in their society and therefore the types of audience it would attract. ie. The yearly Festival of Dionysus, attracting all types of audience for a celebration. 

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