Tuesday 24 May 2016

Rent Audition Pieces Analysis/Preparation


The songs I have chosen to sing in my audition are 'Somewhere' from West Side Story, and 'Out Tonight' from Rent. I choose to sing 'Somewhere' because I have not sang a slow song like this with legato sounds throughout. I have chosen this over 'A Boy Like That' as there are some notes in the song that I need to belt, and with 'Out Tonight' having these also, I want to make sure I do not push my voice too far and ruin either one or both of my songs. 
I have chosen to sing 'Out Tonight' because it has an upbeat tempo which contrasts to 'Somewhere' as it is a lot slower and calmer. This way I am showing more skills and versatility in a short amount of time. I also picked 'Out Tonight' because one of the parts I would like to play sings it in the show. Both of these pieces reflect my singing skills but they both push my voice to improve, showing determination and an aspiration to get the role. Specifically I would most like to play Mimi in Rent. This is because I feel I can connect with the character in that she strives to be independent, I also have never played a character with a love interest, or played the love interest myself. Mimi and Roger have a very interesting relationship and the way it develops throughout the narrative intrigues me. Playing this role would improve my confidence and ability in performance hugely. I considered singing 'Light My Candle' from Rent, however this song lacks energy for an audition piece, and the range needed for this song is quite small, therefore not displaying much of my voice. One of my main weaknesses in my singing voice is if I am nervous, my voice can become weak. This will improve with confidence. However this is part of the reason I chose 'Out Tonight', as if I am successful in playing Mimi I can track my progress and the development in my signing voice. 

Three Weeks Before My Audition-

At this point in my preparation process I still have my options open about my choice of songs, I am settled on Somewhere from West Side Story, I am rehearsing daily to ensure I learn the lyrics in time. I have been singing it along side the track on YouTube. I have also been watching the film of West Side story to give myself a better understanding of the context of the play, and also the context in which the song is performed. This is developing my characterisation completely. I now know that Maria is singing this song to Tony, who are deeply in love at first sight. But this song is actually quite sad, as they are dreaming about being able to be together 'someday, somewhere'. I am using my facial expressions to show sadness, by frowning slightly, but as the longer notes come I imagine I am with Tony and smile as if I am day dreaming. 
For my Rent song, Out Tonight, I feel much more prepared. I am confident with the lyrics and have been singing the song with the backing track frequently. I have sang sections acapella to see if my voice is strong enough. Next week I aim to be singing both of my songs confidently accapella, with or without the lyrics to read. Much like West Side Story, I have been watching Rent ,the movie and the Broadway stage production. This is really interesting as they both show a different style of acting in Mimi's character. I also now know how i can create the atmosphere of a club alone on stage, through confidence and my eyeline. The Broadway Mimi's I have seen in videos always look up and out, but scan across the room to all of the audience. This creates a more intimate feeling even with just one person alone on stage, far away from the audience. I will do these in my audition to enhance my characterisation. 

Two Weeks Before My Audition- 

After rehearsing almost daily, for both songs I am much more confident and developed in my characterisation, voice and movement. I now regularly sing Out Tonight accapella and know the lyrics well. I would like to be more confident but considering my progress so far I will be able to achieve this before the day of my audition. I have practised my audition conduct, by filming myself as if I am walking in, and singing both songs as if it was real. Watching this back I have found that I need to use the space more, and that my voice sounds better than I expected. I am hitting the notes well, but I need to work  on my timing of breathing. To improve on this I have printed out the lyrics, and marked on the sheet where it is best for e to take breaths. I think I will struggle to remember this, and feel like I am going back on myself, after making progress, however the more I practise the better. 

Two Days Before My Audition-

At this point I am full prepared and feeling confident. I have rehearsed my song with the breaths I chose to take previously, and it has strengthened my voice massively. Although I struggle to remember sometimes, I can remain focused enough for it to not effect me too much. After performing my audition pieces in the mirror as if it was my audition, I have worked on my facial expressions and movement. I now use my gestures to exaggerate my lyrics and add to my characterisation. For example in Out Tonight, during the bridge in the sing, Mimi is in a reflective state, so I wrap my arms around myself slightly, but as this section comes to an end there is a big belting note, in which I slowly push my arms out with the note to show freedom and happiness. 
Overall I am happy and proud of the progress I have made and am confident I will get a good part in the piece, ie. Mimi or Joanne. 

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