Sunday 8 May 2016

Antigone Evaluation

Upon reflection, I feel I played a chorus member well. I remained in character and focused throughout, this meant showing the slow development sin character as an ensemble, ie. security, through to desperation. I used my facial expressions and tone of voice to show this. I was strong and proud at the beginning of the show, but as the narrative explained what was going wrong in the royal family I became much more frantic. The opening scene, with us chorus singing, could have gone better, some of harmonies were off at the start and not everyone sang at their strongest. This was due to nerves, and also it being windy, as we were standing at the back of the audiences seating. The Bacchus chorus stood out as a successful piece, it brought a lot of energy to the piece and contrasted well. Another strength of myself in the chorus was episode three, when we were seated at the sides of the stage as a jury.Our movements worked really well and we were all in unison with each other throughout.
A weakness of my role in the chorus was near the end of the Bacchus chorus, I forgot to start saying the final unison lines quick enough. We decided in our run in the morning that we wouldn't wait till were in the trenches to begin this section of dialogue, however in the main performance I forgot this and didn't deliver the line straight away, This made it look under rehearsed and messy.

A strength of my guard scene was my projection, to ensure that the whole of the audience heard me, I had to push my voice out as much as possible. Because the theatre wasn't inside it was quite difficult, however when I watched the video back, my voice was clear and loud enough. Another strength was my characterisation, it was the strongest it has been. In reference to the original style of acting I made all of my facial expressions and movements clear and large, melodramatic, to show my characters feelings to the audience. For example when I was ashamed I clearly bowed my head and slouched away from James in fear, even from far away this is a clear indication of anxiety.
A weakness of this performance was my interactions with Amber, the other guard. We didn't make any eye contact or physical contact till the very last line of the scene, which I deliver directly to her. I interacted well with James but I didn't show the relationship between the two guards well. To make this better I would have looked at her, and came on stage closer to her, creating more of a visual bond between us.

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