Friday 12 February 2016

Researching Drama Schools/Studio Funding

Performing Arts Training Courses

I have been researching performing arts training courses for my higher education, I am looking at Universities and Drama Schools. I have attended open days and done my own research including looking at their websites and prospectuses. I want to audition for Musical Theatre, Acting and different types of theatre courses in performing. 

There are many different variations of Performing Arts Courses available in further education, the following are four profiles of possible courses that I am interested in -

This course would be suited to me because of my interest in the contrast between theatre in different parts of the world, this course covers general study of a different type of theatre whilst incorporating politics and a chance to study in the US. I personally enjoy studying specific writers, directors, practitioners and eras of work and compare them, which is something this course offers, I would like to one day design my own style of theatre and I feel this course also gives me the appropriate research guidance to do so. This course appeals to me because it is creative and allows me to travel, I am interested in branching out into different types of theatre and therefore American theatre is perfect for me.

This course has been highly recommended for me by a number of people, they say that I have a good and clear understanding of the correlation between movement and the portrayal of feelings, narrative and character. However as East 15 does not offer an Open Day, I feel quite anxious and apprehensive about choosing it for one of my 5 choices, as I don't know if I will like it upon auditions. This course appeals to me because I want to explore physical movement more, I enjoy using my body to portray different emotions and narratives and want to explore this as much as I can.

This course appeals to me because of the opportunities it opens up for me, at an open day and during research I have found that this type of training (mostly focused on the acting in musical theatre rather than dance) creates a much more versatile performer, and this type of actor i often available for more jobs in the industry, as they are considered more of a 'tripple threat'. I also favour this drama school because of my personal love of the location, the course style and its reputation. This is definitely my top choice.

I like this course because I feel that I will be well suited to the type of course, it is simple yet quite intensive, and I feel I am currently taking courses that coincide well with this. The course requirements shouldn't be a problem for me and feedback from others' auditions there gives me confidence in my own. This course appeals to me because I am expanding my skills in musical theatre and want to become better, I and improving on getting all three skill levels up to the same standard ad this higher education process will help that.


The funding process for perfoming arts courses 

Student Loans Co. is a government company in the United Kingdom that financially helps and supports companies and students going through their higher and further education. They work with Student Finance England, Student Finance Wales, the Student Awards Agency for Scotland, the Education and Library boards in Northern Ireland, Higher Education Institutions and HM Revenue and Customs to do the following- 
  • pay loans and grants to students
  • pay tuition fees to colleges and universities 
  • work with HMRC to collect loan repayments
  • pay maintenance fees to school pupils aged 16+ in Northern Ireland and Wales
  • pay bursaries and scholarships on behalf of universities and colleges
  • run the administrative processes
They mainly assist students by loaning them money to accommodate for living costs and tuition fees, through a simple process of application, and because the government are involved, the company check how the money is being used, hen it is used and how the student in coping on a financial level. This feedback helps for future loans and to keep students from becoming in  debt and getting into money troubles. 

Lawrence Atwell's Charity are an organisation that aims to help students through financial barriers in their education process. They have some specifications for applying for a loan however these are very simple- 

  • ages 16-26
  • British Citizen
  • parents income has been less than £26,000 per year, for many years
  • currently taking a BTEC, A Level, Art Foundation Course, Access Course, qualifications for specific skills that will work as a 'first step' in their career
They work online, with a simple, informative website which is clearly aimed at younger students who are feeling lost and need help with finding that isn't busy and loud. Their main motive is to get those who struggle to get training without additional financial support to where they need to be academically.

It is very difficult to get student funding for performing arts courses as most of them are not accredited and therefore don't allow the student to get a student loan. I have chosen to research Lawrence Atwell's Charity and Student Loans Co. because these both offer performing arts course students the money they need. 

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