Friday 12 February 2016

Earthfall Company (Established Company) Presentation & Green Ivy (My Theatre Company) Presentation With Evaluations

Theatre Company Presentation - Earthfall

This is my presentation on the theatre company 'Earthfall'. 

The following is my presentation slides as they were not too clear on the presentation- 

Green Ivy Theatre Company

Green Ivy is my own company that I created, as shown in the presentation I am touring my own devised piece 'Psychosis' round Brighton and Worthing. I chose this piece because it is current and devised theatre is an upcoming trend in Brighton that is beginning to become popular. I also know a lot about the piece as I devised it myself. 

I think my presentation was very successful, I addressed all the issues and strong points that I needed to and my presenting skills showed good knowledge of my proposal. I was clear and concise and remained professional throughout. My presentation itself was specific but not too much, I had basic points to read off of and I expanded on them as I spoke, to make sure I didn't bore the audience and made sure they were listening throughout. I could have gone into more detail with my budget form as I didn't specifically talk about much, and how it would help my company.I would improve by preparing a certain one or two points to go into detail in and talk about how I found it, what I did to get it, why I need it and how it might change upon receiving the investment. Overall I am happy with how it went and am very satisfied with my proposal. 
The research for my company came from mostly experience but I also looked at some reviews of current devised pieces around Brighton. I did this to judge whether or not touring a devised piece would be a good idea, whether people would be interested and buy tickets. I used my experience of devising the piece and seeing some modern/contemporary devised pieces recently to decide if it was the right type of theatre. I concluded from this that it was, I knew this because of all the positive reviews and reactions that there are about upcoming and new devised theatre. 

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