Monday 5 October 2015

Friday 25th September (Rent Opening Song Physical Theatre Development - Dance)

In this lesson we looked at the physical theatre routine we had created for the song Rent that opens the show. We knew we had to develop it as it didn't have the energy we need and with our characters it wont work, we found it didn't flow well and wasn't busy enough on stage.

We began by running through and film what we had previously choreographed with the music and noted down what we need to improve on through self assessment-

  • using more of the space efficiently so that each audience section can see everything easier
  • have more purpose when walking or moving, using stylised pedestrian movement
  • refine movements better using dynamics and timings
  • make the movements and motives more realistic
  • develop characterisation
We then realised we needed to break up from our groups to make it more interesting and natural, so in pairs and small groups we choreographed motifs, based on the stimuli of people in the street in a violent circumstance. My group and I wanted to be as physical as possible so we looked at lifts or jumps to create levels and bring energy to the piece, we settled on using different types of trust falls and using the floor space to create the scene of people being chased. 
I contributed narrative ideas to this piece, such as each group and partnership having a motive to follow and choreograph around as their stimuli. I made suggestions on the final formation and the movements we could repeat to keep the energy up and not look awkward while singing. One thing that we were struggling with was keeping the pace up and a lot of people moving around the space, I discussed with others that we could have everyone randomly running across to a different side in various intervals to create confusion on stage, which ended up being in the piece. I feel this adds a lot of energy and has a natural style that we really wanted to portray, to put the audience in a street setting and start off the show with them involved. 
To finish we brought it all together with our new additions and ran it through, it fitted well with the music and before filming it we added more characterisation and energy to develop it. 

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