Thursday 17 September 2015

Friday 11th September (Rent 'La Vie Boheme' Early Choreography Lesson 1 - Dance)

Today we looked at the song 'La Vie Boheme' from Rent and the type of dance they use in it. We began by discussing some of the influences and themes of the song, such as community, family and living life t the full. We also talked about stimulus, a starting point or something you get ideas from. There are three different types of Stimuli, visual, auditory, text and concepts/themes. Examples of visual stimulus are paintings, films, photos, sculptures, colour, shape or animation. With this type of stimuli you need to consider the way it has been created and the prominent aspects of it. Auditory stimuli would be things like music, rhythm, instruments, voice, percussion, words, poems or noises. In this you need to consider the way the sounds flow and how they blend together. Examples of text stimuli is scripts, poetry, literature or news items. It helps to consider the writer or context of the piece, this will hep to create the right type of movements. Theme or Concept stimuli includes things like war, death, family, emotion and friendship. You need to consider the relation between yourself and the themes when using concepts.

In my previous experience of performance I have used text based stimuli such as scripts to create drama, I did this by taking part of a script, for example Taking part of a script and choreographing physical and dance of a specific character, taking their characteristics and portraying them more physically.

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